PRESS COVERAGE! Posada Emily Inauguration


New Yorkers build shelter for children with cancer

A New York couple built a shelter for children and adolescents following a cancer treatment at the Department of Pediatric Oncology at INCAN. The same ones, they had a small one with a linforma, passed away in 2006 and in honor of her they raised “Posada Emily” for the ones of scarce resources.

In the arms of her Paraguayan nanny, Emily Bigelow Nalley learned words in Guarani, took tereré in the mornings and encouraged the albirroja in the most difficult parties.The New York girl, daughter of Claire and Richard Nalley, lived with a lymphoma until age four. Sh e passed away in 2006.

In honor of the years spent by the little girl and the moments she spent in the country, her parents built a shelter for children and adolescents who follow a cancer treatment in the Department of Pediatric Oncology of the National Cancer Institute (INCAN)Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare.” Translated from article from “Ultimahora” 

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Article – ABC Newspaper 9/28/17

Pareja Neoyorkinos – September 28, 2017

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Colorida Posada – ABC September 26,17

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Ultimahora article – September 25

La Nacion – September 28, 2017

Ultimo Hora – September 11

Itaipu Binacional – September 25, 2017


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