December 2015 Email
Dear Manitos Community:

Big changes are in store for Manitos in 2016—and big plans…

In the first two meetings of our newly elected board—and over a sociable lunch in late November at the wonderful Queens restaurant “I Love Paraguay”—we have decided to move forward on several fronts.

 The board has voted to explore acquiring land and building a hostel for the children (and their families) undergoing long-term treatment at the National Cancer Institute—many of whom are currently sleeping on floors or wherever they can find space. Working with our in-country partners, we have identified a tract of land with a foundation already laid very near the hospital and made preliminary inquiries about purchasing and developing it.

 Working in conjunction with our consultants, the Foundation Group, we have submitted all the paperwork to the IRS to incorporate as a non-profit entity under provision 501(c)3, meaning that we will handle all our own donations and accounts going forward. We hope for final approval early in 2016.

Claire and Richard hope to visit Paraguay this winter, to assess the potential site for the hostel and to explore new partnerships in-country.

As always, your  tax deductible donations to Manitos go a very long way. Please consider a gift to us in this holiday season.

Manitos Paraguay

All the best wishes for the holidays,

Claire and Richard